About Us

Public Sq Kitties was created by Denise Phillips and their son Theodore Holiday after moving from Texas to Nelsonville, Ohio, and getting to know the town's cats. Seeing the poor condition of some of the cats and just how many there were combined with the lack of shelters, they decided they had to do something and created PSK.

Our Vision

Our Philosophy

At the core of our philosophy lies the belief that cats, as living beings, possess intrinsic value and deserve equal respect and consideration. While language barriers may hinder direct communication, we embrace the notion that cats possess distinct personalities and emotions that are as nuanced and rich as our own. Through empathy, understanding, and acknowledging their boundaries, we aim to forge a meaningful connection with these magnificent creatures individually, recognizing that their lives hold equal significance to that of human life.

  • Equality of Beings: In our philosophy, we reject any notion of human exceptionalism and recognize that all beings, including cats, are inherently equal. Cats are not objects or possessions to be owned; they are sentient creatures with unique experiences and emotions. We strive to treat them with the same compassion, dignity, and rights we afford to our fellow human beings.
  • The Language Barrier: While language acts as a primary means of communication for humans, it should not be considered the sole determinant of intelligence or understanding. Cats possess a complex non-verbal communication system, and we acknowledge that their actions, body language, and vocalizations convey profound meaning. By attuning ourselves to these subtle cues, we can gain insight into their desires, needs, and emotions, thereby bridging the communication gap and fostering a deeper bond.
  • Respecting Boundaries and Personal Space: Respect for autonomy and personal space is fundamental to our philosophy. We believe in actively listening to our feline companions and honoring their boundaries. Recognizing that cats have unique preferences, we refrain from imposing our will upon them. Instead, we seek to create an environment that allows them to thrive and make choices that align with their comfort and well-being. Outside of necessary medical intervention, we never want to force anyone into any situation they don't want to be in.  
  • Cats as Living Beings: Not mere objects or accessories; cats (and all animals) are living beings with their own intrinsic worth. Their lives are not expendable or subordinate to human interests. We reject any form of cruelty, exploitation, or neglect towards cats, striving to ensure that their physical and emotional needs are met. By valuing their lives on an equal footing with human life, we actively promote their welfare and advocate for their rights.  

In embracing this philosophy, we have experienced valuable and fulfilling social relationships with the animals surrounding us and seek to shift perspective and treat cats as fellow inhabitants of our shared world. By recognizing their individuality, respecting their boundaries, and upholding their inherent worth, we aspire to build a society that values all living beings equally. Through our actions and attitudes, we aim to create a world where the lives of cats are cherished, celebrated, and protected, just as we would protect our own.

Meet Our Family

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Found in a tree hiding from attacking dogs in Texas in 2013, Pascal has been with us through thick and thin. When we found him, he was only a kitten. Due to a bad experience with a vet, he's a bit skittish and has issues with touch, so he needs extra consideration in reading his body language so as not to push him to swipe at you. He enjoys the passive presence of his humans but will occasionally need cuddles and attention.

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Local to Nelsonville, Wally was found outside amongst the male cat colony; the first cat we met of the colony. He came right up to us and quickly became our friend. After becoming an indoor cat, his anxiety quickly faded away and now he spends his days lounging and relaxing in a comfy bed. Wally demands pets constantly and will only sit still if he's actively being pet. He's a troublemaker and enjoys digging through our garbage when we aren't looking.